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Home Fiduciary Assessment

As we approach the deadline for implementing 408(b)(2) it is extremely important you take steps as a plan sponsor to ensure you are running the most efficient plan possible and have explanations for each of your decisions as a plan sponsor and plan fiduciary.  Connect with our experts to review how your plan is working.

How well are you performing your fiduciary duties as a plan sponsor?  We review our clients plans on a semi-annual and annual basis to help you monitor many of the important details associated with ERISA’s requirements.

Although our checkup cannot guarantee that you will meet all of ERISA’s requirements, it will help you monitor many of the important details associated with your role and give you confidence to happily greet any plan audit that may come your way.

Our distinctive Fiduciary CU plan (Check Up) looks at the following sections of your plan:

Connect with us to arrange for your Fiduciary CU review.  

Or for any other retirement plan, insurance, or employee benefit inquiry click here or call (214) 669-2888.